ASA international humanitarian film festival The world is eternal friendship Living in tranquility has been a long...
ASA International Humanitarian Film Festival For downloading pdf of program hall 2019 (click here)
ASA International Humanitarian Film Festival For downloading program hall 2018 (click here)
According to the festival’s public relations dept., the official trailer for this event is produced and presented while...
The deadline to send films to the humanitarian film festival for filmmakers was 15th of jun. In accordance with the...
The Recall of the 2nd International Humanitarian film festival Topics: The world without borders Eliminating...
Universal humanitarian film festival "ASA", in this ancient Iranian year to come, wishes a year full of peace and...
Majid Mosahebi has been chosen as the second world festival of humanitarian films(ASA). Majid Mosahebi is the director...
The second world festival of humanitarian films which was first held in Iran is host in Germany. This very festival,...
Subjects Commencement for festival call May 21th Ending day for accepting the...

Middle East Studies Program, California State University, Fresno

Future Cineaste Association

Golden Griffin Pictures

InterkulTurelle woche 2018



Bauhaus Universität Weimar