About Us

About Us

ASA international humanitarian film festival

Living in tranquility has been a long lasting wish of human being. Human beings have always been in quest of the tranquility which is associated with security and provides the people of society with the opportunity to sit and contemplate and also the opportunity to try to tread a path in which one may not move forward except by having faith. When this tranquility is gone prosperity comes to an end and there remains nothing in the memory of captured pictures but ruin and destruction which manifest their presence as bitter but decisive; hence, the crucial necessity of inviting people to assume fellow feeling and sympathy and the endeavor towards achieving it in our contemporary world. 

The celebration of this very nobility of human character was the motivation which made the ASA team found and plan to hold a film festival on humanitarian issue and its appreciation.
This International film festival is named “ASA” and the UN office for the coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) cooperated with ASA team to stage it in Iran and Switzerland. And since 2018 the Weimar city cooperated with the ASA to stage it in Germany.

Because of its humanitarian theme and the company of great cinematic centers and international humanitarian organizations, ASA .enjoys a proper international appreciation 

“ASA” stands for peace and tranquility 


Commencement for festival call May 21th
Ending day for accepting the films  August 7th
Choosing and announcing the accepted films for release and competition part till September 20th
Opening day of festival November 7th
Release day of films November 7th – 9th
Ending day for the festival and announcing chosen films of festival November 10th 


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Middle East Studies Program, California State University, Fresno


Future Cineaste Association


Golden Griffin Pictures


InterkulTurelle woche 2018






Bauhaus Universität Weimar